A yearly planning and budget is presented to the trustees for approval. Any changes or additions to the planning or the budget have to be approved by the trustees. Matla a Bana is a National organization, with predominant focus in Gauteng and the Western Cape and employs four full time staff members and approximately 100 volunteers through faith based groups. The full time staff are individuals offering vast experience, administration, fundraising and marketing. All the staff has attended training courses in various fields.
An AGM is hosted annually during which the finances is presented by the Administrative Trustee (Absa/Barclays).
Project reporting is done by CEO and the Provincial Project Managers. The Financial Report is issued to the guests.
Board of Trustee meetings hosted quarterly, unless otherwise needed.
Appointments to the Board of Trustees are subject to nomination of possible candidates and approval from all the members of the Board of Trustees.
Currently there are seven trustees and four trustees constitute a quorum and these appointments are voluntary.
New positions within the organisation need to be advertised and at least one board member must take part in the interviewing process.
MAB is a trust registered with the Master of the Supreme Court, as well as a Non-Profit Organisation with an 18A benefit. The Board of Trustees have to report to the Department of Social Development annually.
The CEO reports to the Board of Trustees quarterly (general matters) and on all other serious matters which will have an implication on budget or project roll-out.
The Managers report to the CEO.
Monthly updates on project implementation and financial reports.
Administrative Assistant reports to the various managers.
Volunteer groups report to the project managers.
Three year project planning and one year fundraising planning compiled by staff and presented to the Board of Trustees for approval.
New projects not included in the planning with financial implications, must be approved by the Board of Trustees.
Should this organisation close down, all assets will be donated to the Strydom Trust, who will in return donate the assets to other NGO’s, to be determined by the Board of Trustees.
Matla A Bana has either membership or support from the following:
• South African Police Services (National and Provincial)
• National Prosecuting Authority (National Office)
• Regional NGO’s – Teddy Bear Clinic, Childline, Friends of the Child Protection Unit, Bethany House, Women and Men Against Child Abuse, Big Shoes, Embark Foundation, Rays of Hope, Jelly Beanz (Project partners)
• Member of : Connect Network (VIVA Internationa)
To ensure that donors and sponsors have full confidence in Matla A Bana and the causes we support we wish to declare the following:
That MAB will operate with honesty, respect, integrity, empathy, transparency and accountability.
Our organization has an active board of trustees made up of people of integrity who support the vision and values of the organization and offer practical support, good advice and appropriate legal guidance.
Our leaders are honest; willing to serve the staff; committed to personal integrity and so, able to build vision and give direction.
That every team member, has a clear role to play, is sufficiently equipped and provided for so that they can succeed, and their success is recognized.
That MAB has a responsibility towards our donors, stakeholders and partners and will develop long-term relationships with effective communication.
That MAB will comply with national laws with regards to registration and operation.
That MAB operates with open and accountable financial management and will use the funds we receive wisely and responsibly.
That MAB acknowledges and approves of the Donor Bill of Rights and will act in accordance to this.
MAB will design activities and projects that make measurable and appropriate difference to the real needs of the children and communities which we serve.
That children are protected and defended from any harms arising through our projects, or in the surrounding environment.
That MAB has developed an internal Child Protection Policy.